If you're reading this with Notepad - turn on WordWrap (through "Edit" menu) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Thanks for downloading the demo version of MusicFile. This zip file should include the following files: 1) mfapp.mdb: MusicFile v2.0 -> Application file: this is the file you should open from Access to activate MusicFile 2) mfdata.mdb: MusicFile v2.0 -> Data file: this is where all your data is stored. 3) mf20hlp.hlp: MusicFile Help file - to activate help from within Access, press F1 4) mf.ico: an icon to use to open MusicFile (if desired) -> to set up an icon that will automatically open MusicFile, do the following: a) create a new program item b) for the command line, use path of Access\msaccess.exe path of MusicFile\mfapp.mdb example-> c:\access\msaccess.exe c:\mf\mfapp.mdb 5) readme.txt: this file ***Make sure you keep all files in the same directory*** MusicFile is ShareWare - this version is limited to 20 recording entries. Information on ordering a registered version can be found from within the program or within the help file. You may want to take a quick look at the help file before you start to use MusicFile. If you have any comments, questions or encounter any problems, feel free to send me E-Mail at gmarkl@ixl.net Thanks for trying MusicFile. I hope you enjoy the program and decide to register.